Basic commands in Linux

1) touch <filename>

This command is used to create a file in linux.


2) cat <filename>

This command is used to open a file in linux.


3) rm <filename>

This command is used to delete a file in linux.


4) mkdir <filename>

This command is used to make a directory in linux.


5) rmdir <filename>

This command is used to remove a directory in linux.


6) cd <path>

This command is used to change the path of the current home directory.


7) ls
This command is used for listing files and folders of the directory through which it run.


8) uname -a
This command is used to list the detail information about the machine name, operating system and kernal.


9) history
This command shows the long list of the executed commands on the terminal.


10) sudo
This command is used to allow a permitted user to execute a command as the superuser or another user.


11) chmod
This command is used to change the permission of files and directories.


12) chown
This command is used to change the file ownership and thus is useful in managing and providing file to authorised user and usergroup only.


13) cal
This command is used to displays calendar of the present month or any other month of any year that is advancing or passed.


14) date
This command is used to print the current date and time on the standard output.


15) cp
This command is used to copies a file from one location to another location.


16) mv
This command is used to moves a file from one location to another location.


17) pwd
This command is used to print the current working directory with full path name from terminal.


18) tar
This command is useful in creation of archive, in a number of file format and their extraction.