Dedicated Server vs Virtual Private Server

Dedicated Server

Dedicated servers are often the fastest and most powerful servers, though some of the high-end VPS options can give the lower performing dedicated servers a value for their money. The point is that dedicated servers really occupy the upper layer of the web hosting , and are typically priced accordingly. There are a few benefits to selecting dedicated servers, some of which may or may not be available on some VPS solutions.

One of the major attractions of a Cheap dedicated server plans is that it is generally completely under the control of the customer. Therefore, it can be rebooted when needed and can also be completely customized in terms of the software it runs. Customized software can be very important for a number of reasons.
As the name implies, each server is dedicated privately to one client. The customer receives access to a physical server with the agreed upon hardware specifications, processing and storage, all in one unit.
The result is that performance should be very predictable, which is very important for those who are planning on hosting e-commerce solutions or planning on monetizing their websites in other ways.
Dedicated servers are mostly housed in Data centers, similar to collocation facilities, providing redundant power sources and HVAC systems. In contrast to collocation, the server hardware is owned by the provider and in some cases they will provide support for your operating system or application. We may either use a managed or an unmanaged dedicated server as per our convenience.


Virtual Private Server

Virtual Private Server suits small or medium businesses that are looking to optimize their IT infrastructure yet don’t want to incur the higher costs of fully dedicated server hosting. VPS is just like owning a set amount of space in an office building. Virtual private servers provide the performance of a dedicated server running on a machine located in a shared environment. Through root access, customers get the full control of the server just like a dedicated server. So we can install or run any customized software or applications specific to our business needs.

Unlike a shared server, the performance of the websites running on our server is insulated from the other websites. VPS servers give better performance and our websites load much faster than they would on a shared server hosting.

VPS is a virtual machine created on a physical server. The hosting provider creates multiple VPS on a physical server and provides access to their users. VPS is as good as a dedicated server but with limited resources. VPS provides root access to the user so the user can install any software/OS and perform any root level tasks. This option is a little expensive as it is more powerful than a shared hosting account and has more privileges.